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Economic Value of the Portfolio of Cutomers
áááFinally¼á ß featurσ commonplacσ iε thσ investmen⌠ communit∙ migrate≤ t∩ ì
áááthi≤ program«á Yo⌡ no≈ havσ thσ abilit∙ t∩ determinσ thσ curren⌠ valuσ ì
áááoµ you≥ Portfoli∩ oµ Cutomers« Thesσ economiπ measure≤ havσ lonτ beeε ì
áááapplieΣ t∩ stocks¼ bonds¼ anΣ othe≥ investments¼ bu⌠ arσ jus⌠ no≈ beinτ ì
áááapplieΣá t∩á determinσ thσ economiπ valuσ t∩ yo⌡ oµ ß grou≡ oµá PEOPLE« ì
áááThe∙á givσ yo⌡ aε economiπ assessmen⌠ oµ al∞ oµ thosσá economiπá event≤ ì
ááátha⌠á coulΣá occur¼á adjusteΣá fo≥á thσá passagσ oµá timσá a≤á wel∞á a≤ ì
áááminimum/maximuφ constraints.
Overview of options at this menu:
áááOptioεá ▒á establishe≤ thσ globa∞ defaul⌠ variable≤ fo≥ thi≤á analysis« ì
áááOptioεá ▓ doe≤ thσ actua∞ Aginτ Analysis«á Option≤ │ anΣ ┤ givσ yo⌡á ß ì
áááchoicσá oµá ho≈ yo⌡ wan⌠ thσ record≤ presenteΣá iεá ßá report║á eithe≥ ì
ááásorteΣá b∙á compan∙ namσ oµ customer anΣ showinτ thσá curren⌠á Economiπ ì
áááValue╗ o≥ sorteΣ iε ascending orde≥ oµ thσ curren⌠ Economiπ Value.
Detail on option 1:
áááIεá optioεá ▒á oµá thσ Portfoli∩ oµ Cutomer Men⌡ yo⌡á definσá thesσá ┤ ì
Global Variables:
ááá1⌐ 'Plateauº valuσ fo≥ thσ Aginτ Analysis¼ iε weeks:
ááá2⌐ 'Floorº Ñ valuσ fo≥ thσ Aginτ Analysis:
ááá3⌐ 'Deca∙ Slope'¼ linea≥ o≥ logarithmic:
ááá4⌐ 'Half-Lifeº valuσ fo≥ thσ 'Deca∙ Slope'¼ iε weeks:
ááá Globa∞ Variablσ 1:
ááá 'Plateauº value:
áááThσá 'Plateauº valuσ describe≤ thσ perioΣ oµ timσ tha⌠ passes¼á iµ any¼ ì
áááwithou⌠ an∙ economiπ loss«á If¼á fo≥ example¼á yo⌡ arσ tryinτ t∩ tracδ ì
áááthσ economiπ valuσ oµ proposal≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ submit¼á you≥ experiencσ migh⌠ ì
ááábσ tha⌠ fo≥ ever∙ proposa∞ tha⌠ yo⌡ submi⌠ ╕ week≤ ma∙ pas≤ beforσ you≥ ì
ááácustomerá wil∞ evaluatσ wha⌠ yo⌡ havσ submitted«á Iµá you≥á experiencσ ì
áááshow≤ tha⌠ thi≤ ╕ weeδ perioΣ almos⌠ alway≤ occur≤ withou⌠ an∙ economiπ ì
ááádeca∙á associateΣ witΦ it¼á theε eacΦ proposa∞ ha≤ aε ╕ weeδá 'Plateauº ì
ááávaluσ associateΣ witΦ it«
áááThσá purposσá oµá thσ 'Plateauº valuσ i≤ t∩ allo≈ aε aginτá proces≤á t∩ ì
áááoccu≥ whilσ reflectinτ thσ realit∙ oµ tha⌠ market║ iε man∙ industries¼ ì
áááßá perioΣ oµ timσ passe≤ BEFOR┼ an∙ economiπ deca∙ caε bσá presumeΣá t∩ ì
ááástart«á Iµá yo⌡ attenΣ tradσ shows¼á ß ┤ o≥ ╢ weeδ follo≈ u≡ ma∙ occu≥ ì
ááábeforσ whicΦ thσ economiπ utilit∙ oµ thosσ contact≤ begin≤ t∩ decay.
áááYo⌡ tailo≥ thσ 'Plateauº valuσ fo≥ you≥ industr∙ anΣ particula≥ se⌠á oµ ì
ááácircumstances«á Oncσá defined¼á i⌠á cause≤á thσ analysi≤ t∩á extenΣá ß ìèááá'plateauº fo≥ tha⌠ numbe≥ oµ week≤ BEFOR┼ startinτ thσ deca∙á analysis« ì
áááYo⌡ caε selec⌠ an∙ numbe≥ oµ week≤ t∩ reflec⌠ you≥ industry¼á includinτ ì
áááthσ defaul⌠ valuσ oµ '0'.
ááá Globa∞ Variablσ 2:
ááá 'Floorº valuσ
áááThσá 'Floorºá valuσ i≤ thσ percentagσ yo⌡ inpu⌠ tha⌠ place≤ ß floo≥á a⌠ ì
áááthσá bottoφ oµ thσ deca∙ slope«á Iµ yo⌡ ente≥ ßá 'Floorºá value¼á thσ ì
áááprograφ wil∞ sto≡ thσ deca∙ wheε i⌠ reache≤ tha⌠ level« Thσ purposσ oµ ì
áááthi≤á i≤á t∩á recognize¼á fo≥ example¼á tha⌠ regardles≤ oµ ho≈á lonτá ß ì
áááproposa∞ i≤ outstanding¼ i⌠ ma∙ alway≤ havσ somσ residua∞ valuσ t∩ you« ì
áááIµá yo⌡á definσ thσ 'Floorº valuσ t∩ bσ 25Ñ fo≥ ß customer tha⌠ ha≤á aε ì
ááápotentia∞ valuσ oµ $100,000¼á theε thσ deca∙ analysi≤ wil∞ sto≡ wheε i⌠ ì
áááreache≤ $25,000«
áááNotσ tha⌠ valuσ i≤ ALWAY╙ entereΣ a≤ ß percentage¼á no⌠ ß decimal¼á anΣ ì
ááátha⌠ yo⌡ caε havσ an∙ valuσ froφ ░ t∩ 99.99.
Globa∞ Variablσ 3:
'Deca∙ Slope'¼ linea≥ o≥ logarithmic:
áááThσ 'Deca∙ Slopeº variablσ give≤ yo⌡ thσ choicσ oµ usinτ ß linea≥ deca∙ ì
áááslopσ o≥ logarithmic.
áááThσ Linea≥ slopσ describe≤ thosσ economiπ event≤ tha⌠ wil∞ declinσá thσ ì
ááásamσ absolutσ amoun⌠ eacΦ week«á If¼á fo≥ example¼á yo⌡ determinσ tha⌠ ì
ááábusines≤á card≤á yo⌡á acquirσ a⌠ ß tradσ sho≈ becomσá worthles≤á iεá 1░ ì
áááweeks¼á theεá yo⌡ coulΣ sa∙ the∙ loosσ 10Ñ oµ thei≥ economiπ valuσ eacΦ ì
áááweek«á Iµ proposal≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ submi⌠ becomσ worthles≤ afte≥ 2░á weeks¼ ì
ááátheε yo⌡ coulΣ sa∙ the∙ loosσ 5Ñ oµ thei≥ valuσ eacΦ week« Iµ yo⌡ worδ ì
áááfo≥á ßá banδ anΣ arσ usinτ thi≤ prograφ t∩ tracδ baΣá deb⌠á collection≤ ì
áááactivity¼á theεá yo⌡á havσ ß clea≥ ideß oµ ho≈ eacΦ persoε iε thσá filσ ì
ááábecome≤ increasingl∙ les≤ likel∙ t∩ pa∙ giveε thσ passagσ oµ time.
áááIε additioε t∩ thσ Linea≥ slope¼á yo⌡ havσ anothe≥ choice║ logarithmic« ì
áááYo⌡ caε thinδ oµ thi≤ methoΣ a≤ beinτ ß variatioε oµ compounΣ interest« ì
áááInsteaΣá oµá principa∞á anΣá interes⌠ beinτá compoundeΣá iεá you≥á banδ ì
áááaccount¼á ßá potentia∞ economiπ even⌠ sucΦ a≤ closinτ ß salσá i≤á beinτ ì
áááreduceΣ o≥ decayeΣ iε thσ samσ manner«
áááFo≥ yo⌡ mathematicians¼á thσ logarithmiπ deca∙ proces≤ is║á "thσ changσ ì
áááiε quantit∙ ove≥ an∙ timσ interva∞ ..«á proportiona∞ t∩ thσ sizσ oµ thσ ì
áááinterva∞ anΣ t∩ thσ averagσ valuσ oµ thσ quantit∙ ove≥ tha⌠á interval.ó ì
áááThσá logarithmiπ deca∙ proces≤ i≤ computeΣ usinτ L'Hopital'≤ Rule«á ┴ ì
ááávaluσá decay≤á exponetiall∙á iµ it≤ instantaneou≤á ratσá oµá changσá i≤ ì
áááproportiona∞á t∩á it≤á instantaneou≤ value«á Therσá arσá man∙á natura∞ ì
áááprocesses¼á likσá bacteria∞á growtΦá o≥á radioactivσá decay¼á iεá whicΦ ì
áááquantitie≤ increasσ o≥ decreasσ a⌠ aε "exponentia∞ rate."
áááAssuminτ aε initia∞ 'Economiπ Valueº oµ $10,000¼ n∩ 'Plateauº value¼ n∩ ìèááá'Floor'¼ anΣ ß 'Half-Lifeº oµ 1░ weeks:
Weekly Percentage
Cumulative Decay: $ decline:
Linear Logarithmic Linear Logarithmic
------ ----------- ------ -----------
1 $500 $669 5% 6.7%
2 1000 1294 5 6.24
3 1500 1877 5 5.83
4 2000 2421 5 5.44
5 2500 2928 5 5.08
6 3000 3402 5 4.73
7 3500 3844 5 4.42
8 4000 4256 5 4.13
9 4500 4641 5 3.84
10 5000 5000 5 3.59
11 5500 5334 5 3.35
12 6000 5647 5 3.12
13 6500 5938 5 2.92
14 7000 6210 5 2.72
15 7500 6464 5 2.53
16 8000 6701 5 2.37
17 8500 6922 5 2.21
18 9000 7128 5 2.06
19 9500 7320 5 1.93
20 10000 7500 5 1.79
áááObservσ tha⌠ thσ logarithmiπ deca∙ i≤ accelerateΣ iε thσ beginninτá bu⌠ ì
ááábegin≤ t∩ trai∞ ofµ afte≥ ß while« A⌠ 1░ week≤ (thσ 'Half-Life')¼ the∙ ì
ááábotΦ havσ thσ samσ amoun⌠ oµ accumulateΣ decay║ $5000«
áááNotσá als∩á tha⌠á afte≥ 2░ weeks¼á thσ logarithmiπ deca∙á i≤á no⌠á 100Ñ ì
ááácompleteΣ bu⌠ onl∙ 75%«á Iε concept¼ thi≤ deca∙ ratσ wil∞ trai∞ ou⌠ t∩ ì
áááinfinity« Afte≥ 3░ weeks¼ fo≥ example¼ thσ cumulativσ deca∙ i≤ $8,750«
Globa∞ Variablσ 4:
'Half-Lifeº valuσ fo≥ thσ 'Deca∙ Slope'¼ iε weeks:
áááThσ 'Halµ Lifeº i≤ defineΣ a≤ tha⌠ poin⌠ a⌠ whicΦ thσ economiπ valuσ oµ ì
áááßá contac⌠ o≥ even⌠ ha≤ declineΣ t∩ halµ oµ it≤ origina∞á value«á Thi≤ ì
ááávaluσá i≤á highl∙ subjectivσ anΣ reflect≤ you≥ appraisa∞á oµá wheεá thσ ì
áááeconomiπ statu≤ oµ ß proposal¼á bid¼á o≥ contac⌠ ha≤ droppeΣ t∩ halµ oµ ì
áááit≤ origina∞ potentia∞ value.
áááThσá 'Halµá Lifeº i≤ useΣ b∙ thσ prograφ witΦ Globa∞á Variablσá 3¼á thσ ìèááá'Deca∙ Slope'¼ iε calculatinτ thσ weekl∙ deca∙ rate.